Innovations in talent acquisition

innovation in talent acquisition

New capabilities in AR and VR are allowing new Innovations in talent acquisition:


State of the art

Here are several recent innovations in talent acquisition that are transforming the way companies find and hire top talent :
  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – AI and ML are being used in talent acquisition to automate repetitive tasks such as resume screening and scheduling interviews. These technologies can also help identify and prioritize the most qualified candidates based on their skills and experience.
  2. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) – VR and AR are being used in the recruitment process to provide candidates with a virtual tour of the company and its culture, as well as to simulate job tasks and assess candidates’ skills.
  3. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) – This technology helps recruiters maintain relationships with past candidates who may be a good fit for future roles. It enables recruiters to track candidate interactions, automate communication, and create personalized marketing campaigns to attract top talent.
  4. Gamification – Gamification involves using game elements and mechanics in the hiring process to engage candidates and assess their skills. It can include challenges, quizzes, and simulations that give candidates a more immersive and interactive experience.
  5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) – Companies are increasingly prioritizing DEI in their talent acquisition strategies. They are using technology to eliminate biases in job descriptions, resumes screening, and interviewing. Additionally, they are leveraging data analytics to track and improve DEI metrics in their hiring processes.


A few public examples


  1. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM): Microsoft uses a CRM tool to build relationships with past candidates and nurture talent pipelines. The company’s recruiting team uses the tool to track candidate interactions, automate communication, and create personalized marketing campaigns to attract top talent.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Unilever uses AI-powered software to screen resumes and identify top candidates. The software uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to match candidates with job requirements and identify relevant keywords.
  3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Hilton has implemented several DEI initiatives to attract a more diverse pool of candidates. These include inclusive job descriptions, diversity recruiting events, and unconscious bias training for recruiters and hiring managers.
  4. Gamification: Deloitte uses gamification in its recruitment process to assess candidates’ skills and abilities. For example, the company has created a game called “Deloitte Escape” that simulates a day in the life of a consultant and tests candidates’ problem-solving skills.
  5. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): L’Oreal has used VR to provide candidates with a virtual tour of its offices and labs. The company has also used AR to create an interactive recruiting campaign that allows candidates to explore the company’s products and culture through their smartphones.




Check out Simon if you want to know more : Simon Sourcing


Some very good advices on Indeed aswell : Innovation in Talent Acquisition